Being a speaker at Sea Otter Europe offers you much more than just the opportunity to share your knowledge.

With your accreditation, you gain access to exclusive services designed to facilitate your participation in the event and enhance your experience as a conference speaker.

Make the most of all the benefits and experience Sea Otter Europe as a true protagonist!

What does the speaker pass include?

App Sea Otter Europe Match

To access the festival, you must have your personalized speaker accreditation. To obtain it, you first need to register on the accreditation platform through the following link. This registration will give you access to the official Sea Otter Europe app, where you can manage your accreditation and use Sea Otter Europe Match — a key tool to showcase your profile to the public.

Follow these simple steps to get your accreditation:

1.- Register by clicking on the following link and fill in the required information:

2.- Download the official Sea Otter Europe app to access all its features.

3.- Log in with your credentials and go to the Sea Otter Europe Match section.
4.- Add more information to your profile to stand out — and you’re all set!
5.- Collect your accreditation at the festival to enter the venue.

*Follow the registration steps here (coming soon)

Sea Otter Europe Business Lounge

An Exclusive Space for Networking

The Professional Business Lounge is a reserved and exclusive space designed for you to meet with professionals who have matched with your brand through Sea Otter Europe Match. Located in a quiet area yet close to the festival’s vibrant atmosphere, this space offers the ideal setting for meetings and high-quality networking without losing the professional focus.

Let me know if you’d like any adjustments or specific tweaks!