2018 has been a decisive year for Sea Otter Europe,

We know that Sea Otter Europe is a solid project thanks to the confidence you put on us and in this ambitious project.


And now, on the verge on turning 2019, we want to show our gratitude to all of you, to make this festival real and give us a hand to keep on with the expansion of the Sea Otter legacy,


To all the sponsors, who get involved in another level, and help us – year after year – to make this festival more innovative and capable to reflect the current days of this unstoppable bike sector,


To all exhibitors, who are willing to come bigger and bigger; and in every edition, you are a bunch more. During the three days of the festival, you show to the world your products, your innovations and discoveries that the cycling world needs to keep going. You are pure inspiration. All of that, as a result of your effort and ambition all over the years,


To the media, who covers Sea Otter Europe throughout the continent and who turn out to be our speakers all over the world. Thanks for enriching the festival with brilliant content, and to become our allies,


And finally, but not least,


Thanks to all the visitors! Lovers of this sport and its philosophy: ambassadors of the powerful cycling values that make our world a better place, healthier and more responsible.

To each one of you, we wish you Merry Christmas and a 2019 year full of energy and new purposes

From the Sea Otter Europe team,