June 2018

Sea Otter Europe Costa Brava Girona becomes the epicentre of classic bikes

2018-06-15T11:10:28+02:0015/06/18|Activities, Events, Sportive Events|

The world of classic bicycles is very peculiar, filled with devoted and enthusiastic riders of models that contributed towards shaping the current identity of the mountain bike. If there is one thing that has completely changed in BTT, it’s the materials that are used, which turn looking at bicycles from the past into a journey [...]

May 2018

Super Cup Massi at Sea Otter Europe-Girona-Costa Brava on the way to become the major European XCO event

2018-05-11T08:38:01+02:0011/05/18|Events, International, Sportive Events|

11/05/2018 The Sea Otter Europe Girona Costa Brava is almost upon us for its second year. In such a very short time, it has already become a consolidated event and earned a strong reputation throughout Spain and worldwide. The space made available to exhibitors has been doubled in size this year and the number of [...]

April 2018

Classic bike race, a tribute to the history of MTB

2018-04-24T10:10:38+02:0024/04/18|Activities, Events, Sportive Events|

24/04/2018 The classics race was one of the great surprises last year. An MTB event with original bikes over 25 years old. Some big names from the early days of mountain biking made sure not to miss this great moment, which was highly exciting and very emotional for all the participants and spectators as they [...]

Julien Absalon won’t miss the Sea Otter Europe. Will you?

2018-04-10T10:46:31+02:0010/04/18|Activities, International, Newness, Sportive Events|

10/04/2018 He is the best XCO biker in history. He is the only one to have won two Olympic gold medals as well as five World Championships, and those are just two achievements from his long and successful sporting career. Now aged 37, he has decided to give back to mountain biking some of what [...]

March 2018

February 2018

Registration is now open for THE PIRINEXUS 360 CHALLENGE, which will be run backwards as compared to previous editions and once again features the Half race

2018-02-22T09:31:19+01:0022/02/18|International, Newness, Sportive Events|

On 9 June, the fourth edition of this gruelling 340km race will take place in the Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees as part of the Sea Otter Europe Bike Show The challenge is to complete the course in under 15 hours, before sunset Saturday 9 June will see the running of the fourth edition of [...]

January 2018

Gran Fondo World Tour chooses Girona

2018-01-18T12:39:36+01:0018/01/18|Newness, Sportive Events|

Girona-Costa Brava: the land where professionals train Cycling heaven Gran Fondo World Tour has chosen Girona to host one of the events on its 2018 calendar. The Sea Otter Europe International Cycle Tour will be the only GFWT event to be held on the Iberian Peninsula, where the best routes are waiting to be enjoyed [...]

December 2017